Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Culture

Candyland is fabulous, delicious, colourful and is our culture. Everything is made out of candy but there are some rules that apply to all inhabitants. HAVE FUN!!!
Made to you proudly by Horim, Brooklyn and Panpan

Monday, November 29, 2010

My story

On the way to the ice cream stand, I died. Okay, ran over, actually, but died just about sums it up. The ice cream stand was across the road from my school. "Hey, want an ice cream? It's on me!" I asked my friends, Rosie and Po. They told me what they wanted, and I started jogging across the road, my mouth watering at the thought of a strawberry double serve, with chocolate sprinkles and a flake...
A red car, swerving from the corner, out of NOWHERE, could I mention, came at me. I stood frozen like a deer caught in headlights. I know, I should have run. But I couldn't. The cars tyres screeched, trying to stop, but failing. You know how they say before you die, your life flashes before you? Well, it doesn't. So a word of advice, enjoy life when you can. Anyway, the car hit me hard, and I went flying. Everyone was screaming and it was chaos. Of course, I wasn't part of all the drama, because my soul was already leaving my body and floating up.
Heaven isn't that great. The food is pretty bad, and the showers smell like feet. But, on the plus side, the people there are awesome. I mean, who knew that angels had to clean their wings, too? No wonder they take so long in the showers. Or that God was actually a really funny guy? But I wasn't in Heaven to live forever. I was just there until my trial, that would determine if I would go to Hell, or stay in Heaven. I'd heard stories about Hell. I did not want to go there. This was a good time to pray- not for my life, which was already gone, but my soul.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Goodbye, Earth

The gluestick flew out of the room. Or should I say, I flew out of the room. I'm a flying gluestick. I was manufactured in Neptune. It's very cold there and I don't advise you go there for a holiday. Anyway, back to that day. I was waiting patiently to be used, looking around the strange classroom. I mean, who puts writing on their wall? People these days.
Suddenly I saw a boy dig his finger into his nose secretly, thinking that no one was looking. Disgusting humans. Oh no. The boy is reaching out for me, with the hand he stuck up his nose. I had to get out of there. Hmm. I haven't flown for AGES. It could be good exercise. I have to make up my mind quick. The boy is almost touching me with those grubby fingers...
In one smooth movement, I spread my wings and took flight. Ah. It felt good looking at those gaping faces of ignorant children as I flew gracefully out the door...
I flew headfirst into the doorway. I picked myself up hurriedly off the floor. That was so not professional. Flying out of the small school, I wondered where to go next. I saw a red truck coming towards me. I flew straight up, narrowly avoiding the red front of the vehicle. I was high up in the sky and I was free at last from the polluted earth below me...
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flying pen shooting up past me. Wait. A FLYING PEN? I'll have to go talk to her.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life Ed

When I was little I used to love Harold and enjoy the facts about the body.

Now in Yr 7, it's different. We learn about the different types of drugs and how they affect our body. There are actually more drugs then I imagined. There's all those different types, like the stimulation drugs, the hallucination drugs and the depressants. Drugs were best described as: Anything that is not food, water or oxygen that can be absorbed in the human body. It was also referred as the web of addiction. The web is the drugs and it lures you in...

Michelle was the person who was in charge of the Life Ed in SAMS. She told us about a lot of things, like puberty. One of the many things I learnt was that there was something called the seven steps on the ladder of puberty. You can start on this ladder when you are as young as 9 or as old as 15. You spend seven years on this ladder, and normally when you get off, you are about 17. Michelle said she was never going to tell us” Don’t do drugs.” But one thing she kept repeating was “Delay your decision.” She also showed us a lot of videos about all the people who had experiences with drugs and how their lives turned out.
At the last day, we met Harold and his friend Big G. They sang a song and we got to pat him.
I learnt a lot of different things that changed my mind about drugs- not that I would have ever taken them, that is. One important thing I learnt was “Even if people have had a bad day, a smile could be the thing that would cheer them up!” :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Science Fair project

I have chosen my subject-
What makes your heart beat the fastest?
I will test different genders and ages to get the overall total heart beat.
I will have a variety of tests to do.